Learning how to stay motivated as a writer is only one of the biggest challenges writers experience. Feeling uninspired is a normal response after you’ve gone through a long haul of writing and thinking, so it’s always a good idea to give yourself a break for quite some time.

One reason why we lack motivation is that we see situations like this as a problem instead of a learning curve for us to overcome. And most often, we just don’t know how to get rid of these humdrum situations. So here are easy steps to keep you motivated all the way.

 Write everyday

Build a habit to write every day even if you don’t feel like to. Your goal to write should not rely on your emotions but on your choice to do so. Don’t let your emotions decide if you write today or not. Make it a choice to just sit down and write anything in your mind even if it doesn’t make sense. Go through it again. Also, don’t give in to the temptation of editing your work while you write. Let the momentum flow as your creative juices start to kick in.

 Find a way to eliminate distractions

It’s easy to ask someone to get rid of distractions but walking the talk is quite another challenge. First, you need to identify what distracts you when writing— the internet, social media, physical noise, or chores. Make sure you’re free from any of these distractions by setting a time when you can accomplish each.

 Read books from best-selling authors

If you’re writing about young adult fiction then feed your knowledge with the famous best-selling books or acquire renowned authors’ best practices. What made this come this far? What are the common traits and writing practices that made their book hot in the market?

 Make use of creative prompts

Don’t waste your time staring at a blank paper for hours (although this happens most of the time) if you’re experiencing writer’s block. Make use of creative prompts you can find on the internet to stir up your creative juices. It won’t be too soon until you get your imagination to get to start working again.

Getting motivated all the time isn’t nearly possible. But you can always change your thinking patterns and belief system that instead of seeing your dull writing days as it is, you perceive it as an opportunity to take control of a problem instead of it letting control you. After all, it’s your choice on how to see challenges— a roadblock or a learning curve towards success.

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