4 Common Writing Mistakes Writers Do

4 Common Writing Mistakes Writers Do

One of the most successful businessmen once says ‘the best way to learn is not to learn from the people’s success but to learn from their mistakes’. Likewise, as writers, learning the ropes about the common writing mistakes saves us from the pitfalls experienced...
Creative Writing Exercises for Authors

Creative Writing Exercises for Authors

A great way to restart your engine for the day is to tap onto creative writing exercises every time you see yourself giving in to distractions. The best way you can do that is to keep up with your pace while you practice every day. You don’t have to aim for quick...
How to Stay Motivated as a Writer

How to Stay Motivated as a Writer

Learning how to stay motivated as a writer is only one of the biggest challenges writers experience. Feeling uninspired is a normal response after you’ve gone through a long haul of writing and thinking, so it’s always a good idea to give yourself a break for quite...