Once you step out of your home and see the world, you will never come home the same again

4 years ago
Jesus Carrera

Much is said about home being where the heart is, but before all that, a home is where a child…

4 Common Writing Mistakes Writers Do

4 years ago

One of the most successful businessmen once says ‘the best way to learn is not to learn from the people’s…

Creative Writing Exercises for Authors

4 years ago

A great way to restart your engine for the day is to tap onto creative writing exercises every time you…

Important Reasons Why You Should Have an Author Platform

4 years ago

An author platform is an area or space where you showcase yourself as a brand that is highly visible and…

How to Stay Motivated as a Writer

4 years ago

Learning how to stay motivated as a writer is only one of the biggest challenges writers experience. Feeling uninspired is…

Tips on How to Deal with Negative Book Reviews

4 years ago

A bad review is the last thing one would expect in their emails or messages. Literally, nobody wants to get…

Brilliant Ideas for Writing a Book

4 years ago

No successful author has ever stopped on one book alone. The next books you will be writing determine your success.…

Best Time to Start Writing Your Book

4 years ago

If you’re looking for the best time to start writing your book, the time is now. If you have that…

How to Become an Author?

4 years ago

By now, you’ve probably gone through tons of articles and lessons on how to become an author. Some might have…

What Makes Your Writing Good Writing?

4 years ago

Writers often struggle with discerning if their writing is a good one. Writing can be a broad scope to loosen…